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Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:17 am Reply and quote this post
My belief has always been that when it comes to religion that you should keep your bloody mouth shut unless someone else starts the conversation. Actions speak louder than words, let them do the talking.

But in a classroom I'm happy to give out my opinion, as a result, I'm known the catalyst which can fuel a heated debate, simply because my opinions are well founded and different to everyone elses. If someone else is criticising something, I'll generally defend it. This isn't just because I'm trying to bludge a lesson with an argument, it's generally because i do have a different belief on that subject.

You see I'm someone who tends to not follow the typical beliefs of your average conformist Christian who thinks the only humanly appropriate show on television is Play School. I don't think swear words are wrong, I don't think it's sinning to swear in most cases, if the words aren't used in a derogatory manner, sure, they are pretty 'choice' words, but only because the foul minds of others interpret it differently to maybe you or me.

We had a heated debate on Euthanasia recently. Should it be legal or not? It's ridiculous the arguments they came up with. "Euthanasia shouldn't be legal cuz god sez do not play god!!11!oneeleven!!1!1." This may be true, but by keeping the person alive, are we not playing god? What about hospitals, they are injecting dead life forms into us so that live ones don't come. Is that not playing god? Making ourselves immune to something God made us vulnerable to?

Sexists was also an issue in our class recently. It was dsturbing to see how many people thought Australia was more sexist against women. Absolute Bull****. It used to be, I will concede that, but to tell me that Australia, with all it's anti-violence campaigns, and all the women lobbying for every ****ing position on this bloody planet, and getting jobs simply because employers don't want to be labelled as sexist, is clearly ****ing sexist. We've turned from a country where everyone was accepted as they were, to one where if you're not in a job, you're a failure. My mother will stay at home for most of her life, but you other girls will most likely be working till the day you're forty, or maybe even older.

We had a debate on Video Games the other day as well. Typical gaming is bad for your health blah blah blah. Everyone said oh its good for you in moderation. Expected looking at the bad side of gaming, and why people should use it for less than 32 seconds or they'll get radiation cancer and square eyes and be more robotic than an American Peacekeeper Missile stuff. In fact a group of researchers went out on a limb and said that gaming is good for you, and like a game of chess. And the only reason it was considered childish was because there were homophobic insults thrown around at times. The researchers somewhat likened it to chess.

Now to finish off.

"There's a cultural motif that underlies the critiques that go on around this," he said, "the idea of mindless activity is given short shrift in culture where productivity is given the highest praise."

Contributed by Jonathan Schutz, Executive Management Team
5910 iVirtua Loyalty Points • View ProfileSend Private MessageBack to Top

Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:19 am Reply and quote this post
Read your title it dont have much to do about the post lol. Bui have excepted death n an inevibility.

I am nothing, no religion ot even athiest because i dont agree with some of their views. All things considered you are not a chirstian. I understand more abot christians and their religion more than they do and i can tell u it gets them rattled up. KTHXBAI

Contributed by Lucas McCartney, Executive Management Team
14240 iVirtua Loyalty Points • View ProfileSend Private MessageBack to Top

Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:59 pm Reply and quote this post
I belive that death is a part of life. everyone is going to die sometime. and thats that.
Contributed by Thomas Lohse, iVirtua Ultimate Contributor
30700 iVirtua Loyalty Points • View ProfileSend Private MessageBack to Top

Fri Feb 02, 2007 4:32 am Reply and quote this post
Your views are pretty similar to mine, i guess.

What are your views on abortion?

I am for abortion because I believe that an embryo does not have the right to live until it has the ability to do so. An embryo is simply a parasite in a woman's uterus - it cannot survive on its own. The fact that it is effectively a parasite means that its fate should rest with the mother.

Contributed by Andy, Editorial, Marketing & Services Team
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