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Andy Clarke and conflict - affairs and revelation!
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Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:13 pm Reply and quote this post
Molly on posted this revelation about Andy Clarke. It speaks for itself. Andy Clarke used Molly and broke up with his wife and son just to raise his profile and get "ahead"; basically "using" Molly. Read on, the since deleted blog post retrieved by the iVirtua Selective Internet Archive Server Framework (ISIASF).

Molly has also removed Andy Clarke from her FlickR and also her blogroll.

Today I found out that I am no longer welcome at the Web Directions event. Instead, the man who used me for the last two years to forward his career will be invited. This isn’t the most pleasant thing to express, but I’ve kept it shut for far too long.

Two years ago Andy Clarke told me he was separated from his wife, Sue, and chatted me up. I told him to go away, I wasn’t interested. But Andy is a master at telling people what they want to hear. Things Mr. Clarke told me?

    * I love you and want to be with you forever
    * We are soulmates
    * There is no possibility of reconciling with my wife
    * I am separated (what he meant was he slept in a different room)
    * He told Sue he was done with me and continued being involved in the affair up to and including Vancouver a month ago.

I am a lonely and often gullible woman. A handsome and charming man came into my life and used words that made me pay attention because I’d been longing to hear them for all my life. He lied to me, and I believed him. I then helped him get his book to the best publisher - not by going to an editor or agent but by paying his trip to San Francisco, throwing him a party, and then arranging a lunch with the Vice President of Peachpit / New Riders.

No one can argue he’s talented, that’s for sure, and that he ended up creating a beautiful book. I watched it fly off the table at AEA and find it highly ironic that people walked up to ME and said “great book, Molly.” I didn’t make the pretty pictures, but let the world know the truth, at least 35% of the content and structure of that book is mine. That’s why my name’s on the cover. Thank god I negotiated some royalties, eh?

He met my parents and told them his intentions were honorable. My parents, for god’s sake. What kind of human would promise a woman’s parents that and then so betray everyone in his environment?

In that process, I at some level knew I was being lied to. I became very depressed, I do not take lies and deception well, and I did not ever want to think that someone I had fallen so deeply in love with as I had no other in my entire life would do anything like that. I cannot imagine what was in that man’s head as he stepped over me, over his child, over his wife and lied to us all to get what he wanted: Ahead.

Now, he is being invited to speak at conferences where I have to sit in a corner and bear with whatever dignity I can muster the awful truth: I betrayed a good woman and mother, I betrayed a child. I betrayed myself. I am a bad human.

But am I as bad as all that? When things got rough, I turned my suffering inward and nearly died in the process. Loving Andy Clarke was THE WORST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE.

And I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry for having to write this, I am sorry to Sue - my god, I didn’t know! He really promised me it was over. I had no idea it was all going to be fixed. I’m so sorry to Alex, I never ever would have taken a father from his child. I would, and did actually figure I’d rather die.

So now what? You want him more than me? You think that man is better? Then so be it.

He has a family to find his safety in. He has a child. He has a good wife. He seduced me when I had nothing and I let him use me until he left me with less.

I’m such a stupid, stupid girl. But at least my love was honest and true, and what I have brought into this world has always been from my heart. If that’s not good enough, well I’m sorry, I can’t do it better. All I ever did was love.

Today I want to die. I have lost all hope for love, for family, for comfort. The one thing I had was my public life and my tribe, my people. And now that’s taken from me too. I have nothing left.

Here they are...
FlickR wrote:

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