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Best 404 Messages Found on the Web, and how to find them?
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What does 404 mean?
404 is an HTTP status code. Every time you visit a web page, yourcomputer (the 'client') is requesting data from a server using HTTP, orHypertext Transfer Protocol.Before the web page is even displayed in your browser, the web serverhas sent the HTTP header, which contains the status code. Notsurprisingly, your browser has sent the server its own headers, whichcontain a lot more information about you than you think!
For a normal web page, the status is 200 OK. You don't seethis because the server proceeds to send you the contents of the page.It's only when you encounter an error that you see the actual statuscode, such as 404 Not Found.
So where do status codes come from?
HTTP status codes were established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1992, as a part of the HTTP 0.9 spec. They were defined by Tim Berners-Lee,the same person who single-handedly invented the web and the first webbrowser in 1990. We at the 404 Research Lab like to think of him as TheMan Who Made All Of This Possible.
Berners-Lee based the HTTP status codes on FTP status codes, which were already well established by 1990;the official FTP spec is dated 1985, although FTP has actually been in use much longer.
What do the numbers mean?
Let's dissect 404.
The first 4 indicates a client error. The server is saying thatyou've done something wrong, such as misspell the URL or request a pagewhich is no longer there. Conversely, a 5xx error indicates aserver-side problem. It also indicates an error which may be transient;if you try it again, it may work.
The middle 0 refers to a general syntax error. This could indicate a spelling mistake.
The last 4 just indicates the specific error in the group of 40x, which also includes 400: Bad Request, 401: Unauthorized, etc.
Room 404 asserts that 404 was named after a room at CERN (if you read about Tim Berners-Lee above, you'll know that that's where the web began) where the original web servers were located. However, Tom S. tells us:

"Having visited CERN myself, I can tell you that Room404 is not on the fourth floor - the CERN office numbering systemdoesn't work like that - the first digit usually refers to the*building* number (ie. building 4), and the second two to the officenumber. But, strangely, there is no room "04" in building "4", theoffices start at "410" and work upwards - don't ask me why. Sorry todisappoint you all, but there is no Room 404 in CERN - it simplydoesn't exist, and certainly hasn't been preserved as "the place wherethe web began". In fact, there *is* a display about this, including amodel of the first NeXT server, but the whole "Room 404" thing is justa myth."

According to the W3C, 404 Not Found is only supposed to be used incases where the server cannot find the requested location and is unsureof its status. If a page has permanently been deleted, it is supposedto use 410: Gone to indicate a permanent change. But has anyone everseen 410? It must be 404...
What are the other status codes?
You can find a detailed explanation here.
How can I use status codes?
If you have access to thelogfiles for your website, take a look at them. You'll find that one ofthe fields is the HTTP status code. Look and see if anyone visitingyour site got a 404. If you notice that there are consistent errors,look and see what the referring document is. Do you have a broken linkon your site? Does another site link to you with a misspelled URL?These are things you can correct easily, which will help prevent 404errors on your website. For more tips on 404 errors, visit 404 Pros.

Inspired by other sites' 404s and ready to create your own work of error art? Here is some information to get you started.Why you need a custom 404
What makes a good 404 error page?
Force Internet Explorer to display your error and not its own
Using your logfiles to catch 404s
Using redirects
Using robots.txt
The 404 or Not Found error message is an HTTP standard response codeindicating that the client was able to communicate with the server buteither the server could not find what was requested, or it wasconfigured not to fulfill the request and not reveal the reason why.404 errors should not be confused with "server not found" or similarerrors, in which a connection to the destination server cannot be madeat all.

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