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Should Israel Exist?
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Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:33 pm Reply and quote this post
Thanks for the information.
Contributed by Thomas Lohse, iVirtua Ultimate Contributor
30700 iVirtua Loyalty Points • View ProfileSend Private MessageBack to Top

Sun Aug 06, 2006 3:53 am Reply and quote this post
The US news channels are complete shit. I was watching Fox news live from the US the other day about the conflict - the discussions are all opinionated! It's bloody ridiculous! Interviewers use the words "I believe" and "I'm angered" - news should be plain facts, not opinions. Let people think what they want to think. ABC (American Broadcasting, not Australian) is really biassed - Fox blames everything on the Isralis. I don't give a rat's ass about the political motives for the conflict - the only thing that I am concerned by are that innocent people on both sides are dying. Although, if you watched Fox news, you might not have know that.

Rockets are launced by militants onto Israeli civilians. The Israeli Defense Force drop "laser-guided precision weapons" (US made) onto Lebonese civilians. It's no wonder that 40% of Lebanon now support Hizbollah - a laser-guided bomb killed 65 innocent Lebonese people (including children) in an apartment block. I think it's a pretty sick scenario. Israel was merciless. When I was in Australia, there were reports coming in from Australians who were under attack by the IDF! What the hell is the point in having precision weapons when you can't fucking aim at the right target? Why not just use a nuke bomb? The suffering would be reduced (everyone would be vapourised by the heat), and precious time would be saved, allowing aid to reach Lebanon sooner.

According to one CIA agent, a General and a Colonel on ABC news, Syria and Iran are providing weapons to Hizbollah. No one said anything about Lebanon providing Hizbollah with weapons.

I think that it would be a bit unfair to say that Israel shouldn't exist. I think that they should, but also that they should work with their neighbours to reach a peaceful agreement. North Korea is better at diplomacy than Israel. The one time that Israel agrees to a 48-hour ceasefire with Hizbollah, it breaks it within a day. There are plenty of nice people in Israel, but their politicians tend to be ruthless - although this is understandable, as Israel is in a very vulnerable position.

Contributed by Andy, Editorial, Marketing & Services Team
19277 iVirtua Loyalty Points • View ProfileSend Private MessageBack to Top

Sun Aug 06, 2006 4:46 am Reply and quote this post
I couldn't agree more; just see my posts
According to one CIA agent, a General and a Colonel on ABC news, Syria and Iran are providing weapons to Hizbollah. No one said anything about Lebanon providing Hezbollah with weapons.

...or about the US fully backing Israel... after all... they created it That's why the surrounding countries are all angered, for years, since 1948 when Israel was created all the conflicts have been caused by the western, namely US presence there, not to mention the added bonus of oil. Each time the surrounding countries fight back, it is an excuse for the Americans to ship over more ammunition. Their very presence gives them the means to invade Iran anyway; we all know hoe much Iran would like to nuke Israel; the US are stuck, Israel was rushed and created without consideration; that's put simply, but see my other post(s) in this thread for more of the background information

It's no wonder that 40% of Lebanon now support Hizbollah

They are virtually the only lifeline for the Lebanese, all it will take is for more than one surrounding country and Israel could be in big trouble, calling for the US to cause more trouble; and forget the UN, that's virtually the US anyway, and they do nothing; that's the view of some Lebanese I have been speaking to too. Is some Arabs came and set up a country in the US, I wander what would happen? Don't forget the 10 foot concrete walls, occupied territories and checkpoints

The one time that Israel agrees to a 48-hour ceasefire with Hezbollah, it breaks it within a day. There are plenty of nice people in Israel, but their politicians tend to be ruthless - although this is understandable, as Israel is in a very vulnerable position.

That's exactly right; but the only reason Israel is vulnerable because of the way it was set up; maybe I shouldn't have been set up like it is; of course, Israel has a full right to exist now, but It is vulnerable because of US backing; and its relations with its neighboring countries. "I think Israel should give back land they have taken; stop taking more land, and take down defenses", yes, in an ideal world, but then surrounding terrorists and even nations would, and the US/UN would have to intervene, then the US will be targeted... This will go on forever, even if they manage to create a country of Palestine, the US is stuck 9/11 Didn't happen for nothing.

Contributed by Editorial Team, Executive Management Team
372659 iVirtua Loyalty Points • View ProfileSend Private MessageBack to Top

Sun Aug 06, 2006 10:29 am Reply and quote this post
Palestine is not a new country. My grandad served at and around its border during (and after) WW2 with the Black Watch (or he might have changed regiment by then, not sure though..). Palestine was taken over in the 1950s i think. Dunno. Check Wikipedia. It was known as the Mandate of Palestine, and was controlled by the British. The UK was forced to hand over Palestine to the UN, which partitioned Palestine.
(See the part on UN partition bit for specific info.)

Contributed by Andy, Editorial, Marketing & Services Team
19277 iVirtua Loyalty Points • View ProfileSend Private MessageBack to Top

Sun Aug 06, 2006 5:09 pm Reply and quote this post
Certainly    But Palestine isn't really a country; creating the state of Palestine truly (Gaza Strip and West Bank) would be a big step forward against conflicts with Israel, although as I mentioned, there is little the US could do; maybe they should try to distance themselves with Israel. Just Envisageing plans isnt enough though.

A declaration of a "State of Palestine" (Arabic: دولة فلسطين‎) was approved on November 15, 1988, by the Palestinian National Council, the legislative body of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). The proclaimed "State of Palestine" is not and has never actually been an independent state, as it has never had sovereignty over any territory in history. Moreover, the declaration was ignored, and eventually rejected, by the State of Israel. Israel controls the territories since 1967 Six-Day War when it captured them from Egypt and Jordan.

Currently, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) envision the establishment of a State of Palestine to include all or part of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, living in peace with Israel under a democratically elected and transparent government. The PNA, however, does not claim sovereignty over any territory and therefore is not the government of the "State of Palestine" proclaimed in 1988.

The bold paragraph above is the situation of plaistine now; really I think Israel should stop taking land and making a buffer zone, they should not have built the wall between palestine and israel; they shouldn't claim like land as such; but effectively with the US on their side, you can see why the neighboring countries are angry. I hate to say this, but maybe the theology is coming out similar to what the Nazis thought; the Jews are beign greedy; they have taken Jerusalem, a world wide religious capital; the centre of the universe as such for some. Now I am not in support of the Nazis, but maybe it is becoming clear why extremists like the Nazis and Arab Extremists do what they do. The Jews may be seen the root of the problems, and Israel would not had been there if it want for them being taken from ghettos to Israel, helped by the US nonetheless. To summarise, the middle east-western conflicts, I think comes down to the creation of Israel; follwing the Jews arriving there (Also because of the Holocaust; and where the Jews were blamed [maybe they did cause trouble] etc) and then the conflicts with the west come from the US's support of Israel, and in turn the fact that Oil supplies happen to be there  and Guantanamo bay etc. Ultimatlry... what is this coming back to, I hate to say it, but its Religion again  

Contributed by Editorial Team, Executive Management Team
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Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:56 pm Reply and quote this post
There is a good debate about

They have a "yes" and "no" side of things and various quotes.

Heres  a "Yes" example:
Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations, in a 3/28/01 speech to the Arab League, stated:

Kofi Annan wrote:
   "The international community and the Arab world have every right to criticise Israel for its continued occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territory, and for its excessively harsh response to the Intifada. But these points could be made more effectively if many Israelis did not believe that their existence was under threat. Israel has a right, enshrined in numerous United Nations resolutions, to exist in safety within internationally recognised borders... What we need is movement towards an agreement that responds both to the legitimate desire of the Palestinians for national independence, and to the legitimate claims of the Israelis to recognition and security."

...and a No example...

Ahmad Nasser wrote:
Israel was established on the basis of theft. The State of Israel is Satan's offspring - a satanic offspring. It was founded on theft from the first moment. It was founded on the basis of robbery, terror, killing, torture, assassination, death, stealing land and killing people and will continue this way, never able to exist because its birth was unnatural, a satanic offspring, and cannot exist among human beings...

It cannot exist naturally, like other nations in this world."

It's a great resource.

Israel: Opposing Viewpoints is a book, in the Opposing Viewpoints Series, presenting selections of viewpoints on four central questions about Israel and conflicts in the Middle East: should Israel exist, and, if so, as what type of state; what are the roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; is peace possible; and what should U.S. policy be toward Israel? It was edited by John Woodward.

Find out more here:

Here are its views on...
Should Israel Exist? In chapter 1.
1. Israel Has a Right to Exist
Yaron Brook and Peter Schwartz      Reprint of "Israel Has a Moral Right to Its Life" from the Ayn Rand Institute.
2. Israel Has No Right to Exist
Ahron Cohen
Reprint of "Orthodox Jews Condemn Zionism."
3. Israel Should Remain a Jewish State
Forum for National Responsibility
Reprint of "The Kinneret Agreement."
4. Israel Should Not Remain a Jewish State
Joel Kovel
Excerpt from "Zionism's Bad Conscience" in Tikkun.
5. Israel Should Be a Binational State
Tony Judt
Reprint of "'Jewish State' Has Become an Anachronism" in the Los Angeles Times, October 10, 2003.
6. Israel Should Not Be a Binational State
Jonathan Rosenblum
Reprint of "Rush to Madness," Hamodia, November 7, 2003.

Contributed by Editorial Team, Executive Management Team
372659 iVirtua Loyalty Points • View ProfileSend Private MessageBack to Top

Sat Oct 20, 2007 7:12 am Reply and quote this post
Here is something that not many people know:

Jesus was a Palestinian.

Contributed by Andy, Editorial, Marketing & Services Team
19277 iVirtua Loyalty Points • View ProfileSend Private MessageBack to Top

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