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Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:28 am Reply and quote this post
While at (the now infamous) Play Live this weekend, I had a quickchat with the event's presenter, Iain Lee. The self-confessed geek wasdisarmingly pleasant and candid, and I wondered if he had any plans toresurrect his career as a videogame TV show presenter.
"I just don't think it works," he replied sanguinely. "The only timeit ever worked really was Gamesmaster, and I think that was the timing,it was Dominic Diamond - love him or hate him, he was right for that.We tried it with Thumb Bandits and in all honesty it was rubbish.People who make TV programmes don't quite understand games, they don'tunderstand what they are and why people find them exciting - theychoose to show elements that don't... I don't know, it just doesn'tseem to work."
So could he think of a format that might just turn things round?
"I'vegiven up. I found Thumb Bandits the most disappointing and depressingexperience of my life - apart from working with the lovely Aleks. Itwas just hideous - the people who were making it just didn't know... noI won't say that, that's a bit harsh. I found it very depressingbecause it wasn't what I wanted it to be, so I've not thought aboutdoing it again."
I was asking, really, because of XLeagueTV,which is attempting to bring across the American/South Korean model oftelevising pro-game tournaments. "I love Xleague," he said. "I don'tknow how long it's going to last as a viable business - it can't begetting that much of an audience. I went on there as a 'celebrity'guest and they show the games as though it's a sport, you've got peopleplaying Rainbow Six with commentary - as a hardcore thing that works,but again it's breaking that into the mainstream that's the problem."
Getting into my new stride as a faux celeb reporter, I asked what he wasup to. "I'm filming a pilot episode of a sketch show with MackenzieCrook and Bob Mortimer, which is crazy I don't understand it. Me andMackenzie live together and 'crazy' things happen. It's for the BBC andit all depends on whether they decide to pick it up or not. I've donehundreds of these things and often they don't go anywhere, but BobMortimer is on board and he seems very confident that something willcome of it. It's very funny! We're filming it in April, so we'll seehow it goes."
If I'd have posted that yesterday, it would have been an exclusive. As it is, The Sun, beat me to it. Looks like my career as a TV gossip breaker has already stalled.
Still, I did also meet Nicholas Hoult. Would anyone like to know what consoles he has?

Contributed by Editorial Team, Executive Management Team
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