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10 PC Games We'd Like to See Remastered
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Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:09 pm Reply and quote this post
10.  SkyNET - 1996

    SkyNET features an array of modern and futuristic weaponry.

SkyNET's multiplayer mode had vehicles and vast outdoor areas as well
as indoor close-quarters combat six years before Battlefield 1942 showed
up. What I really liked about it was that in multiplayer mode you could play
as a Terminator... how cool is that? I'd love to see what this game would look
like with a nice graphics update and some touches to incorporate modern gameplay
elements beyond its initial deathmatch and team deathmatch offering. The burned-out
post-nuclear apocalypse setting was cool too. Just imagine what a good development
house could do with this premise today with different classes of Terminators
and resistance fighters duking it out for what's left of a radioactive wasteland.

9. 4-D Boxing  - 1991

    4-D Boxing never did look very pretty, but it was still fun.

Way before EA's Fight Night series debuted the company released 4-D Boxing.
This fantastic game set out to simulate the fine art of boxing in a full 3D game
long before 3D accelerators were standard on PCs. Even way back in 1991 you could
create your own boxer (but he did look blocky), train him, and try to take him
all the way to the top. The game even had replays so you could watch and analyze
all of your fights. A modern version that kept the basic "virtual person" design
could make this a unique boxing game that looks original and stays true to the
sport it's based on.

8. Aces over Europe - 1990

    The P-38 was the plane that made me fall in love with flight sims.

Nowadays there are very few good World War II fighter sims out there, and some,
like IL-2 Sturmovik don't really have much of a storyline to them. In Aces
over Europe there is a campaign mode that lets you work your way up through
the ranks and earn medals and promotions. The game is very approachable for newbies
and features a vast collection of authentic WWI-era fighters to pilot. If you
wanted to you could also fly for the other side. What I really liked was single
mission mode where you could pit yourself against a specific WWII fighter ace
to see how you'd fare. This was a great full-featured game that didn't beat you
over the head with uncompromising realism while still giving you a challenge
that didn't feel like an arcade game.

7. Wing Commander - 1990

    The first Wing Commander let you play as yourself, later on
      Mark Hamill took the role of the hero.

When I was in Junior High I helped the Confederation fight off the cat-like Kilrathi
in the Vega campaign. I was stationed aboard the Tiger's Claw along with a memorable
entourage of fellow flyboys. Till this day I still remember the wild antics of
Manic, the cool calmness of Iceman, and the fatherly advice given to me by Paladin.
I remember the first time I flew the bulky Scimitar and blowing away dozens of
pancake-shaped Kilrathi Dralthi's with my Rapier. To say I have fond memories
of the original Wing Commander from Origin Systems would be an understatement.
I'd love to return to the Tiger's Claw and take down a few more of those rotten
furballs. Better yet, I'd like to have my buddies join me and fly my wing...
or against me.

6. Wasteland - 1988

    Life as a Ranger patrolling the wasteland of the future isn't easy,
      but you do get to meet lots of mutants.

I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic settings, and Wasteland is considered
by many to be the grand-daddy of them all. This role-playing game inspired the
likes of Fallout and was developed by Interplay back in the late 1980s.
It's not much to look at now, but the storyline had you and your band of buddies
exploring the wasteland left after a nuclear third world war. The storyline was
fantastic, featuring great characters and an array of crazy mutants and plenty
of weaponry with which to deal with them.

5. Alone in the Dark - 1992

    In Alone in the Dark you can fight zombies with your bare fists,
      but we wouldn't recommend it.

The Alone in the Dark series isn't doing so great nowadays, but the game that
started it all is pure brilliance. It's one of the few PC games that really scared
the heck out of me when I played it, thanks to the haunted mansion setting. What
really made Alone in the Dark different from other games was that firepower
wasn't the solution to all your problems. Many creatures required certain magical
artifacts to defeat; for example, a possessed suit of armor could only be dealt
with using a sword, and a haunted painting of an Indian could only be defeated
with a bow and arrow. There were even some creatures that were impossible to
kill so your only option was to run like the wind. I'd love to go back to Derceto
mansion and see what everything would be like with modern graphics and audio.
I'd just have to make sure I played it with the lights on.

4. Diablo - 1998

    The deeper you go in Diablo the deadlier the demons get.

Nearly infinite replayability, fantastic loot to find, simple and yet surprisingly
addictive gameplay, these attributes have all helped to make the original Diablo a
game that's easy to pick up and incredibly hard to put down. In fact, if it didn't
run in such low resolution and look so dated, there'd probably still be people
playing it today. So why don't we take away those barriers, bring back Diablo,
dust it off, give it a new coat of paint and some more robust multiplayer features
and get everyone adventuring into deep underground dungeons all over again. I
know you spend the whole time just clicking your left mouse button, but for some
reason I just couldn't stop. A remastering of this game would have me doomed.

3. X-Wing and TIE Fighter - 1993/1994

    Choosing how to route your ship's power is vital to staying alive in X-Wing.

You may think that having one space combat game is enough, but we don't. As great
as Wing Commander is, the X-Wing series tops it in the gameplay department.
The flight model for this smash hit from LucasArts is fantastic, with each X-Wing,
Y-Wing, and A-Wing feeling right. It got even better when TIE Fighter rolled
out to give us a taste of the dark side. I'd love to see this game retouched
with the same flight models and missions, only more ships, more eye candy, and
multiplayer support. Yes, I know X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter was released
in 1997, and a 3D-accelerated version of all three games came out as Star
Wars: X-Wing Trilogy in 2000, but I want more! And yes, I know I'm cheating
by putting two games here, but it's my list and I can cheat if I want.
2. Mechwarrior 2 - 1996

    Personalizing your mech is one of the many draws of Mechwarrior

If you think about it, Mechwarrior 2 is a bit like Gran Turismo only
with robots. You get your bot, you customize it, and you take it out for a spin.
The only difference is that instead of turbo chargers and intercoolers you're
adding on heat sinks and PPCs, and instead of racing, you're blowing stuff up. Mechwarrior
2 let you build a mech to suit your play style. If you wanted to blast at
people from far away, you'd load up with LRMs and long-range pulse lasers or
a gauss gun. If you preferred close combat, loads of SRMs, autocannons, and maybe
a flamethrower would be your weapons of choice. Part sim, part action game, Mechwarrior
2 is a game that'd be an amazing experience if it was updated.

1. Star Control II - 1992

    You see that planet surrounded by the red shield? That's Earth and it's
      up to you to free it.

Earth has been defeated and is now imprisoned behind a force field that envelopes
the entire planet. It's up to you and your powerful Precursor ship to build up
a ragtag alliance of friendly aliens and defeat evil Ur-Quan. Part action game,
part role-playing game, Star Control II gave you an entire galaxy to
explore, numerous alien civilizations to make contact with, and countless planets
to explore. As you meet new races you'll have to learn their quirks, likes, and
dislikes and convince them to join you in the fight to free the galaxy from oppression.
Each of these races offered unique ships and technology for you to use and a
storyline was both engaging and surprisingly funny. If anyone remakes this, we'd
want them to keep all the dialogue and stick to the original storyline because
it's as close to perfect as you can get, just pretty the game up and let it run
on modern systems and we're good to go.

Contributed by Editorial Team, Executive Management Team
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