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You are currently in Movie Reviews
Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:59 pm
If you like violent action movies with lots of blood, gore and explosions, Rambo is for you.

Watch the official trailer:

First of, let me explain to you the retarded naming system of the Rambo series. The Rambo series lays claim to having the most moronic naming system ever conceived. Here is a list of the movies in chronological order:

1. First Blood
2. Rambo: First Blood Part II
3. Rambo III
4. Rambo

Yes, you read that right. The last Rambo movie is called Rambo, because the first Rambo movie wasn't. And technically speaking, Rambo III should be "Rambo II", because "Rambo II" was really only the second part of Rambo I, which is called First Blood. Confused? So was I.

Anyway, back to the actual movie. Rambo elevates action-movie-making to a whole new level. In Rambo, there is no plot, no romance, no decent acting, very little talking from the main character, lots of special effects and lots more killing. I would go as far as to say that Rambo pioneers a new genre of movie, hereafter known as the Mass-Killing and Lotsa Blood (MKLB) genre (I am hoping that the name will catch on).

Rambo features Sylvester Stallone (yes, believe it or not, he's still alive) as John Rambo, the same Vietnam War veteran featured in all the previous Rambo movies, who is found catching snakes in Thailand for a snake farm tourist attraction. Obviously, he finds this career appealing. Anyway, some Christain missionaries from the USA head on over to him at the snake farm because he has a boat, which can take them into Burma (aka Myanmar), so they can preach about God to the Karen tribespeople there because apparently that will stop them getting annihilated. Or something like that. The missionaries are a bit like Frodo and Sam in LOTR - no one cares about them and they are a waste of time. To be frank, most of us would rather see them getting killed by Rambo, just for their stupidity.

Surprisingly enough, the missionaries get caught by the Burmese Govt. army, and Rambo has to go in with some merceneries to destroy half of Burma to get them out.

See this movie if:
-You like violence
-You like gore
-You like explosions
-You're a Rambo fan
-You like .50 calibre rifles and machine guns

Don't see this movie if:
-You don't like the above stuff
-You like "deep", "heartwarming" or "light-hearted" movies
-You live in Myanmar

One feature of the MKLB genre is that the main character is always able to win an argument with two words, which is what John Rambo does. When someone argues with him, he either says nothing, or the words "Go home". That is effectively all of Sylvester Stallone's speaking part in the film. For the rest of the movie, he does the talking with his gun.

I heard that Rambo got a 1/2 Star rating. I'd give it a 4/5, just because I like guns, bombs, gore and gratuitous violence. And I hate "heartwarming" films, or dramas . Rambo is rated R for violence (that's how good it is).
Rating: 0.00/5.00 [0]
Author: Andy
City: Wellington • Editorial, Marketing & Services Team • Articles: 5

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