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Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:37 pm Reply and quote this post
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iVirtua Community is giving away one free ticket to LeWeb3 2007, worth 1136 euros.
LeWeb3 is on December 11th/12th.

There are now ove 1200 people registered for the event from more than 30 countries (see if your friends are going here).

The closing date for the competition is Wednesday 5th 2007, at 3PM GMT.
Flickr:  Explore / Tags / leweb3

Paris Expo

Porte de Versailles
Paris, le-de-France
(Yahoo! Maps, Google Maps) wrote:

Evolution in technology ... Revolution in behavior

The hardest part of putting together an event like LeWeb3 is that thereare so many incredibly smart people doing so many exciting things intechnology that deciding who and what to select proves a dauntingchallenge.

Thanks to great input from the LeWeb3 Facebook group, feedback throughthis blog, and of course the sage perspectives and suggestions from oursuperb long-time friends and advisors, we have crafted what we feel isa stellar first pass for this year's program.

In evaluating the market, we realized that we are facing incrementaladjustment in technology but, in some cases, rather mercurial shift inits use. And so we have decided that the theme for this year's LeWeb3conference will be: Evolution in technology, revolution in behavior

Before saying more, I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge severallong-time LeWeb3 supporters who are once again, stepping up to assistus with LeWeb3, helping in various ways to address our key topics.Among them:

* Jeff Clavier
* Ouriel Ohayon
* Thomas Crampton
* Yossi Vardi
* Rodrigo Sepulveda and Ivan Communod
* all our partners and so many more friends...

About the program itself - We have divided our sessions into five maincategories. Those categories and some of the current topics we'replanning to address under them are listed below along with a completelist of confirmed speakers, as well as people and companies with whichwe are ironing out scheduling now.

There are some very important things to note about this edition of theprogram - You'll note that this does not indicate times for thesessions and that is because this is not a final version. Some topicsmay move from one day to the next and/or change a bit. We also will addtopics and some topics may come off. This is a working draft and welook to you - our audience - to help further shape and guide thecontent with your input. We welcome suggestions for additional subjectsand speakers that fall within our overall theme. Feel free to postcomments about the agenda here, or email me directly.

Also, there is a strong chance that some of you were confirmed for theconference through a conversation with Loic. If that is the case andyou don't see your name here, please don't take offense. It is anoversight on my part. Should this be the case, please just email me.

DAY ONE - December 11, 2007

Social Networks

* The Power of social networks: Examples of "real" use - a Facebook executive presents case studies
* Making your information social - a fireside chat with DIGG founder,Kevin Rose - in conversation with Business Week writer and Author,Sarah Lacy
* Web 2.0: The dark side - Panel discussion moderated by Laurent Haug, LIFT conference including Joanna Shields of Bebo
* Social Media: Is it killing our society? - Andrew Keen, Author of"Cult of the Amateur" debates Guardian columnist Emily Bell
* Life Hacking: the evolution - a humorous walk through time and hacking with some great tips by Netanel Jacobsson
* Personalization 2.0 - Jonathan Medved, CEO of Vringo on projection of personalization

Virtual worlds, gaming and music

* The creator of the MP3 file format talks about what's next - a talk by Professor Karlheinz Brandenburg
* Digital music: the future - Gerd Leonhard, Music Futurist
* Digitized worlds - a presentation by Joi Ito
* Virtual world economics - Sasha Frieze of Virtual World Forummoderates a discussion with Clay Shirky, NYU; Marc Samwer, EuropeanFounders Forum; with others to be announced
* The power of gaming - Chris Mellissinos, Chief Gaming Officer for SunMicrosystems demonstrates next generation gaming for business
* Casual v. Serious games  - Mathieu Nouzareth, Boonty debates with Kevin Slavin, area/code


Products and design and technology

* Gadgets and gizmos - Dan Dubno, Garage Geeks and special guests
* Personalization in investing: Different investors discuss strategy and purpose
* Startup competition winners
* Life and design - a talk by design guru, Philippe Stark

Entertainment 2.0

* Television reborn - the new generation of video content a paneldiscussion led by Jeff Pulver, Pulver Media including Benjamin Bejbaum,Daily Motion; Nir Ofir, BlogTV and others.
* High performance cars go green - special presenter pending
* Taking flight: Personalized travel in the air - Esther Dyson in conversation with Vern Raeburn (pending)

Technology and society: looking out into the World

* Internet Pollution and how to stop it - Jason Calacanis, Mahalo
* Technology and Democracy: social behaviour in social networks - David Weinberger, Author "Everything is Miscellaneous"
* An example of social networks tackling major social issues - asession in partnership with UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner forRefugees)
* Is anything really open any more? - Marc Canter, Broadband Mechanics,tackles the topic with a panel of open source experts

Contributed by Editorial Team, Executive Management Team
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