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Official English?
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Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:01 pm Reply and quote this post
Okay, so I've been reading a little bit about this Official English movement and wanted to know your opinions.

I must admit, that before I had done any research, I had just assumed that English was the official language of the United States, without, really, thinking of what it means to have an official language. A few of the arguments brought forth by for the official English movement are that "multilingualism is causing a growing underclass," "'bilingual education' keeps immigrant children from learning English," "learning to speak English empowers immigrants,” and that "official English would also reinforce America's historic message to new immigrants-that we expect them to learn English as the first step in their assimilation." They also cite President Roosevelt, claiming that “We have one language here, and that is the English language, and we intend to see that the [assimilation] crucible turns our people out as Americans.” The official English movement opposes bilingual education and bilingual ballots while supporting "English only workplace policies."

This is my gut reaction...Making English the official language of the United States will do none of the things that its supporters promise. I see it as insulting and unnecessary. English is already spoken by 98% of the US population. Getting rid of bilingual education programs that may or may not be successful does not help children to learn English. Perhaps reforming programs that are unsuccessful or thinking of a different approach to teaching children English but also allowing them to learn at the same level as native English speakers. Getting rid of bilingual ballots certainly will not help adults learn English and, in fact, will just perpetuate the already big problem of voter apathy. "English only workplace policies" sound not only like a bad business practice but also a violation of the First Amendment. I don't believe that many immigrants to the United States feel that learning English is the last step to "making it." As far as official English promoting America's historic message...bull. First of all, “America’s historic message” has been “come all, enjoy the freedom that is America.” And second, immigrants already know how important it is to learn English in the United States. While I think of being “American” as merely living, working, and contributing the country, I DO NOT believe that it has anything to do with the language that you speak. However, some do, but I still don’t believe that speaking English will bring this world changing movement towards the total acceptance of them as “American.”

Here are a few quotes from an article I found at: (1996)

"The ideal is that we can all become Americans; the reality is that it is easier for some than for others to be accepted as 'American.'"

"Penalizing non-English speakers by limiting their access to public services, voting, and education is illogical, for it would further stigmatize non-English speakers, rather than help them acquire the language. If some Americans choose not to learn English, that will be punishment enough. To deliberately fortify the status of English by officializing it will merely add insult to injury for the vast majority of non-English speakers struggling to learn the language."

"In 1986, US English published a survey of 161 constitutions from around the world, and reported that 64 designate an official language. What the report fails to mention is that of these 64 countries, all but 17 protect the rights of linguistic minorities by naming more than one official language, or by stipulating specific antidiscrimination guarantees. Perhaps most interesting is the fact that of the 14 countries that call English their official language, not one has named English its sole official language."

Please let me know what you think.

Contributed by Editorial Team, Executive Management Team
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