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Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:07 pm Reply and quote this post
So, it's finally been decided that Saddam Hussein is to face the death penalty, and will be hanged.

What are your views on this? Do you think it's a wise move, or do you think that nothing will come of it, and nothing will change?

Well, I hear there is to be an appeal, so depending on how that is handled anything could happen. There has been mention in daily papers about intimidation and corruption in the trial. Whatever the case, thousands of grieving families who lost loved ones at the hands of himself and his henchmen speak volumes and there is little doubt that there can be anything but a strong punishment due. If that be hanging then so be it. The advantage of execution is that no-one can then attack the jail he is kept in, so at least on that front, prison staff and other prisoners need not fear an attack on a prison. With him being a very hated man it is possible enemies may want to kill him themselves if he is not executed. On the other hand, an execution could lead to him becoming a martyr to his followers, but there are some things you can't stop.

Contributed by rko, iVirtua Members
286 iVirtua Loyalty Points • View ProfileSend Private MessageBack to Top

Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:59 pm Reply and quote this post
**Saddam Hussien**

I dont think he deserves to die. Two wrongs dont make a right. IF they kill him they are no worse than he is.

Contributed by Lucas McCartney, Executive Management Team
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Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:46 pm Reply and quote this post
Saddam Hussein was totally framed by the US!

It started way back with the invasion of Kuwait, when the US ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie (and what other Arab leader would have recognized a woman as ambassador?) promised him that the US would support his position, and instead once he attacked (and he did have provocation), the US instead used it as an excuse for our first invasion.

With the intense tribalism of the Arabs, anyone would have had a multitude calling for their execution. But Saddam was probably the best leader in the area since Saladin. The Arabs have been warring with each other for centuries, and when the current boundaries were set up at the close of WWI, Iraq was gerrymandered with no regard for ethnic regions, so it had been in perpetual civil war until Saddam finally took the helm. Yes, he was brutal, but brutality was the only method that would have worked in that culture, and it did. Every 100 that he caused the death of would probably have been 1000 or 10,000 dead without him.

Contributed by OwenKL, iVirtua Recognised Member
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Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:06 pm Reply and quote this post
Death is an easy way out of anything countless times iv'e said to myself.
your be so happy when im dead.
he should pay for his crimes weather he did them or not but not by death.
I think he should be left to the Iraq goverment to decide the fate of.

Contributed by Nitronumber9, iVirtua Valued Contributor
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Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:33 pm Reply and quote this post

Saddam Hussein was totally framed by the US!

It started way back with the invasion of Kuwait, when the US ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie (and what other Arab leader would have recognized a woman as ambassador?) promised him that the US would support his position, and instead once he attacked (and he did have provocation), the US instead used it as an excuse for our first invasion.

With the intense tribalism of the Arabs, anyone would have had a multitude calling for their execution. But Saddam was probably the best leader in the area since Saladin. The Arabs have been warring with each other for centuries, and when the current boundaries were set up at the close of WWI, Iraq was gerrymandered with no regard for ethnic regions, so it had been in perpetual civil war until Saddam finally took the helm. Yes, he was brutal, but brutality was the only method that would have worked in that culture, and it did. Every 100 that he caused the death of would probably have been 1000 or 10,000 dead without him.

I couldn't agree more; Obviously I dont particularly agree with his regiemes, but Iraq was in a much better state than it is now, or maybe ever will be in the near future... Its sad to say that maybe the arabic countries need a strict regieme to hold them together due to the nature of their culture.

I do not agree with Capital Punishment; it will be worse for him to live with with what he has done; than it will be to end his life; which I believe is unjustified at all costs; although under fair trial in Iraq it is up to them what they should do with Saddam. Believe it or not I do feel some sympathy for him;  I do not think he is he is not a mentally undtable tyrant; he is your typical dictator; but more to the point, America has breached so many conventions in just walking in to Iraq literally in a way thet nobody would date to do to the US itself. The whole thing is a shambles, and it is  america up to its stupid tricks again; I think the US is just as in the bad as Saddam was, if not way, way more. George Bush on Death Row?

Contributed by Editorial Team, Executive Management Team
372659 iVirtua Loyalty Points • View ProfileSend Private MessageBack to Top

Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:23 pm Reply and quote this post
think this is a lose/lose situation whereby if he is hanged he is considered a martyr to the sunies (? i don't remember who they are the people who like him ) and if he isn't there will probably be some sort of revoultion in the country. So no1 wins  
Contributed by Noobarmy, Editorial, Marketing & Services Team
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