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Can anyone convince me WHAT IS GLOBLALIZATION? in The Great Debates!
Wait...convince you "What is Globalizitation?".

Globalization refers to increasing global connectivity, integration and interdependence in the economic, social, technological, cultural, political, and ecological spheres. Globalization is an umbrella term and is perhaps best understood as a unitary process inclusive of many sub-processes (such as enhanced economic interdependence, increased cultural influence, rapid advances of information technology, and novel governance and geopolitical challenges) that are increasingly binding people and the biosphere more tightly into one global system.

There are several definitions and all usually mention the increasing connectivity of economies and ways of life across the world. The Encyclopedia Britannica says that globalization is the "process by which the experience of everyday life ... is becoming standardized around the world." While some scholars and observers of globalization stress convergence of patterns of production and consumption and a resulting homogenization of culture, others stress that globalization has the potential to take many diverse forms.

In economics, globalization is the convergence of prices, products, wages, rates of interest and profits towards developed country norms. Globalization of the economy depends on the role of human migration, international trade, movement of capital, and integration of financial markets. The International Monetary Fund notes the growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide through increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions, free international capital flows, and more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology. Theodore Levitt is usually credited with globalization's first use in an economic context.

Thats what Globalization is, I personally don't like it though...When you become too interdependent...Progress doesn't go nearly as fast...
Posted by Jesus_and_his_Good_Friend Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:46 pm
what do u believe.. Science or Religion? in The Great Debates!
To answer the main topic, Sience and religion often go hand in hand; the flood, the Tower of Babel, the Dead Sea scrolls, are all proven by sience to be explainable.

While I support the core message i'm forced to look at this with wonder, I know that there is scientific evidence for a great flood. But the Tower of Babel? The great tower man built to bring himself closer to go, that god got pissed off...destroyed and gave everyone different languages? First off the tower would have had to of the sky. Where are the ruins?

But if you say Religion can't sastain you becouse of the gray area, " the unexplained" let me enlighten you on a few facts you probably haven't thought about. A couple hundred years ago we thought the Earth was flat, do we now? We thought males had one more rib than females. Do we now?

I fail to see how this is a argument against religion not being able to sustain people because of the gray. It wasn't by the use of religion or scripture that either of these things were proven. It was infact by the use of science...The flat earth was an assertion actually made by mesopotamian...priests. Since at that time there weren't scientists or even philosophers. Well Greece came into existence, philosophers existed there, they saw these ideas from mesopotamia...Took them as their own and then...a few people in the middle ages believed a few people believe it. But in the middle ages, that really wasn't the wide spread thought even. Thats abit of a myth.

As for the extra rib, thats somthing you can trace right back to Genesis. So in essence, claims in the bible were disproven by science. In a very concrete way...Men don't have more ribs.

In our brains we have matter, 95% of our brain is made up of material we can't explain. There is 5% of matter in our brains called gray matter that cannot be explained at all, so would you disprove Sience because they don't know what the 5% is.

The human brain has been well researched, most if not all region of the brain have been identified by function. We've identified the areas within areas that control things like speech, or within speech sentence structure or word choice. There is much about the brain that has yet to be revealed but...there is much that already has been.

And as for the person who says Religion is for the weak and the ones who need something to cling to in times of pain. I would just like to ask you wich is more brave, the man who does what is right and has no fear of death because he KNOWS he will have everlasting life, or the man who goes by his own rules because he KNOWS there is'nt an afterlife. I think attoning for your sin/morals/ethics, is one of the bravest things you can do, and without your "deathbed religion" you are just a coward hiding behind a judgeless fate. tell me. Who is...greater...THe man who does good out of fear of punishment or even in hope of reward...or the man who does good because its the right thing to do...Who doesn't believe a God exists, by still lives a decent life.

I could say who is braver, by its really who is more cowardly...The man who does good only because he's afraid of "father's" hand...or the man who does good because he damn well feels like it!

Also, a widespread dillusion is that atheists are very much amoral people, because it seems self evident that if a person doesn't fear God, they'll disobey God. Not very much the case, true there have been bad atheists and there still are. Stalin was an atheist, Hitler was an Atheist...However his anti-semetic views weren't his own. He got them from...a holy man.

Torquemada was not...He worked for the church. He also influenced antisemitism in the middle ages...A time during which anti-semitism was more widespread than in WWII. He himself only put 2000 people on the stake, however he did each one of those personally. Ivan the Terrible was not, he friend thousands of people in giant frying pans...and watched.

Of course these are merely examples...The point i'm trying to prove is that...People will bend their beliefs to justify their desires...If someone is going to be a mass murderer...They'll be one Atheist, Christian or Buddhist...

I myself don't believe in God, I believe that the scientific method and the philosophy behind science is really quite respectable. Its this sort of...use past theories, until by experimentation its disproven and then use the new theories. It allows progress.

I don't see much potential for progress spawning from ancient infalliable books. However my faith discourages criticizing other faiths nonproductively...Since, in my faith...If you believe it...Its true. If you don't...its not.
Posted by Jesus_and_his_Good_Friend Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:43 pm
I'm the Jesus in iVirtua Members Introductions
You can call me...Jesus
Posted by Jesus_and_his_Good_Friend Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:54 pm
I'm the Jesus in iVirtua Members Introductions
...I really don't know what to say in these introduction posts...I'm Sam...I'm 15...

I like...talking to people sometimes.

Posted by Jesus_and_his_Good_Friend Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:01 pm
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