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Auto Summarising Documents in MacOSX and on PC
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Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:40 pm Reply and quote this post
On I  saw this...
I frequently write reports for my department, and in almost allcases, I get asked for short summaries of the reports for distributionamong workers who don't need all the details. Does Word offer anyassistance for shortening a document?
Matthew Ward

Yes, but use it with care. The AutoSummarize feature, foundon the Tools menu, lets you summarize the key points of a document orcreate an executive summary (which is a shorter summary).

In the AutoSummarize dialog, you specify a size for the summaryas a percentage of the original document's size. You can also choose tohide all text except the summary or, more usefully, open the summary ina new Word document. Obviously, this is a helpful tool, but read thesummary very carefully before allowing it out of your office.Sometimes, it won't make sense, or it will summarize the wrong points.

Word's help system offers several suggestions for helping Wordsummarize a document effectively, including removing extra paragraphmarks and taking important text out of text boxes. But mostly, yousimply create the summary and then edit it. In some cases,AutoSummarize is more useful as a writing assistant than a summarizer:It attempts to pick out elements of the document that appear to beemphasized, and you can use it to check whether your emphases arecorrect.
There is also the Summarize feature in MacOSX..
One of the most hidden, yet very valuable features in Mac OS X is“Summarize”. It is a very self-explanatory feature that can be found inthe services menu, which is itself a very underused part of OS X. Whatit does is it takes an selection of text and generates a very precisesummary of the text. Here is how to use summarize…

1. Open the program that holds the text you would like to summarize(it doesn’t work on some programs, it works best on Mac programs likeSafari, etc., but read below for a tip on how to make it work with anytext)
2. Highlight the text that you want to summarize and click the program name you are using in the menu bar.
3. Navigate down to the services selection, and in there you will find “Summarize”.
4. After you click it, a window will instantly pop open with yoursummary in there. There are a few customizable options such as goingfrom sentences to paragraphs, but it is pretty simple. wrote:
This is an awesome feature if you want to read a long article butdon’t have a ton of time. It is also a great feature and tool forstudents who have long online reading assignments. It is amazing howaccurate this summary actually is. It uses popular keywords and phrasesto put the summaries together.

Tip: If the application you are using doesn’t support services, allyou have to do is copy the text into a TextEdit (if you never use this,just search for it in Spotlight) document and then summarize it.

Do you use any of these?

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