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Improve Your Social Network[]
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Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:03 pm Reply and quote this post
Improve Your Social Network[]
Sometimes we forget that social networks are more than just software. We forget that beyond a bunch of friend-adding, and asking for links or votes, that there's more to building online communities and keeping relationships. A strong social network requires some tending and care, just the way real live relationships need attention and deliberate [...]

Author: chrisbrogan

Sometimes we forget that social networks are more than just software. We forget that beyond a bunch of friend-adding, and asking for links or votes, that there's more to building online communities and keeping relationships. A strong social network requires some tending and care, just the way real live relationships need attention and deliberate effort. Here are some ideas on how to tend your digital networks and reach the people on the other side of the screen.

Drop a line - Send a brief note to three or four people you haven't spoken with recently, just saying hi and seeing if the person needs anything. Keep it to one or two short paragraphs, and make sure you expressly tell the person you're thinking about her. Sometimes, it's fun to remind him or her about a time you shared together in person, or even online.

Comments and Linking- In the blog world, comments mean that you dropped by, paid someone attention, and thought enough of their work to leave a note. We forget to do this, especially when we read a lot via an RSS reader (like I do). Click through and comment on a post here and there, and not just "good post," but something pertinent to your friend's efforts.

Make Introductions - Share a connection between someone you like and someone you imagine might also like this person, were they introduced. It's a lovely thing to get an email saying, "Daniel, meet Jon. I think you two would appreciate each other on the spiritual level, because Jon shared something that made me think of you the other day." Sometimes, connecting others is one of the most powerful gestures one can make.

Arrange Some Face-to-Face - Nothing beats the real world, and taking virtual contacts to the next level is a beautiful thing. If you're geographically unlikely to make this happen, at least arrange time for a phone call. With Skype and/or most cell plans, this won't break the bank. Talking to someone makes it all the more real. Bonus points if you send the occasional video note to friends (easy to do on Facebook, by the way).

Share Something - Lots of people hold back. Sometimes, they've had bad past experiences. Other times, they just think that they should be more professional. It's a sure thing that sharing a part of yourself to your community will strengthen and deepen your connection to people there. Be brave.

Look to Bridge - Another powerful way to improve your social network is to find ways to connect your community with another community. Are you a passionate Flickr photo group that loves visual thinking? Match that to a creative writing group that works from pictures to write stories. Imagine! Bridge your business group with a pleasure hobby, and think beyond golf. Was it Joi Ito that said the golf of future businesses is World of Warcraft?

Questions and Opinions - What do you think would help improve social networks? Hint: asking for people's feedback is one way. Hint: making it easy to have conversations is one way. Hint: bringing the story out to your blogs, your networks, your circles of friends for more discussion is one way.

What's your take?

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Photo credit, ChuckP

Article, community, groups, networking, socialnetworks Article, community, groups, networking, socialnetworksArticle, community, groups, networking, socialnetworks

Contributed by SaaM, iVirtua Ultimate Contributor
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