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The Top 10 Video Game Easter Eggs
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Mon May 05, 2008 6:42 pm Reply and quote this post
10. Legend of Zelda

The Egg: When you start the game type in “Zelda” as you character name to unlock the 2nd quest mode.
The System: NES
Don’t expect to breeze through this game these monsters are tougher anditems are more difficult to get. Don’t believe me try the game here. has every NES game all in flash. Pretty awesome site if you ask me.

9. Monkey Island Series

The Egg: Hit Ctrl+W to beat the game.
The System: PC
For those players who could not take the insults anymore, this codeallowed you to simply…beat the game. This code worked in ALL Monkeyislands, and I’m glad it’s not THAT publicly known. The Monkey islandseries were fun, puzzle style PC games that mixed in humor. Why onearth would anyone want to hit those key combinations is beyond me, butnow you know! You Cheater!
8. Metal Gear Solid

The Egg: Change your controller port to player 2 against Psycho Mantis
The System: PSone
This is by far the most creative idea in a game to date. I mean whowould think of switching your controller while your playing against aboss. Genius I tell ya, GENIUS!
7. Doom II

The Egg: Enter “idclip” during the game. When youget to the final boss, run under him to reveal a narrow tunnel. Andthere he is, like a scene from “Lord of the Flies” John Romero’s (leaddesigner) head on a stick.. Eww gross.
The System: PC

“Ewww, Grosss!”

6. God of War II

The Egg: To enable HD mode hit L1, L2, L3, Circleand Square simultaneously any time before the “Sony ComputerEntertainment Presents” screen pops up. If you’ve done it right theletters should turn purple.
The System: PS2
By far, one of the best games to hit the PS2. If you were lookingfor a great game that will hold up on the PS3 give this a try. Kratoss’kick ass approach along with his fear nothing, fear no one made thisgame a hit. To watch it in HD makes it THAT much Kick-Assier.. is thata word?
5. World of Warcraft (WOW)

The Egg: THE CHICKEN QUEST: Head to Sal-deans’ Farmin Westfall and find a chicken. To unlock the secret you have to do the“Chicken Dance” for the chicken about a hundred times. Set up a macroto enter the command easily–bring up Options, select Macros, choose theicon you want and enter the command “/chicken”. Then put the icon in anaction bar.
Soon you’ll see the message, “Chicken looks at you quizzically.Maybe you should inspect it?” Accept the quest and purchase the specialchicken feed from Farmer Saldean. Return to the chicken and type“/cheer” before feeding the chicken. Do this right and the chicken willlay an egg. This egg is your new pet, a prairie chicken.
The System: PC
I’d recommend trying this quest when no one is around. You stillmight want to let other’s in the area know that your trying this justincase they try and kill the chicken. But you will get the occasional“South Park Jerk” who will not leave you alone and attack the chickenanyhow.
4. The “Konami Code”

The Egg: up, up, down, down, left, right, left right, B, A, Start (or select start for 2 players with 30 lives in Contra like my brother Gonzo says)
The System: All
Anyone who has played video games has heard of this code. But what alot of people might not know is that this code can be used in over 100Konami and non-Konami games alike. I created a sub category Top 10Konami codes below:

  1. Contra (Famicom/NES) - Entering the code at the title screen gives the player 30 lives.
  2. Gradius (Famicom/NES) - The first everuse of the code. Pausing the game and then entering the code activatesall powerups except for Speed Up and Double.
  3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (
    Super Famicom/SNES
    ) - Entering the code at the title screen on controller 2 allows the selection of 10 lives in the Options menu.

  4. Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Remix
    (PS) - Entering the code Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right on the Mode Selection Screen will unlock Super Mode.

  5. Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
    (PS2, Xbox, PC) - In addition to the usage in the original Sons of Liberty, entering “UUDDLRLRBA” as the player’s username in Missions mode will unlock all missions and characters.
  6. Silent Hill 3 (PS2, PC) - Beating thegame once, then entering the code in the title screen will causeDouglas Cartland, a supporting character, to appear in his underwear ineach
  7. Final Fight 2 (Capcom, SNES) - This gamefeatures a variant on the code: Down, Down, Up, Up, Right, Left, Right,Left, L, R. When entered at the title screen, both players will be ableto select the same character in a two player game.
  8. The Orange Box (Valve, Xbox 360, PS3) -Entering Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A (Circle, Xon the PS3) in either Half-Life 2, Episode One or Episode Two spawns amedkit directly to the player’s location, which replenishes a maximumof 25 health points.
  9. Viva Piñata: Party Animals (Xbox 360) -Entering the code on the main menu will unlock an achievement worth 10gamerpoints, entitled “Classic Gamer Reward”

  10. Star Wars: The Clone Wars
    (LucasArts, PS2, Xbox,
    ) - At any menu screen, when the code is entered, the Ewok celebration song from
    Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
    will play.

Like I said, this list is well over 100 so if your interested check out the rest here.
3. Mortal Kombat

The Egg: After landing a strong uppercut against the opponent, the face of sound designer Dan Fordenwould appear in the lower-right corner of the screen and shout,“Toasty!” The “Toasty” shout had originated from Scorpion’s finishingmove. He would remove his mask to reveal a (sometimes) fiery skull andspit fire at his opponent. This is demonstrated in “Mortal Kombat:Shaolin Monks”. In the Portal stage, if the player very quickly helddown and hit the start button before Dan’s head left the screen, theywould then instantly begin a new stage against a secret character namedSmoke, a grey recolor of Scorpion.
The System: Arcade, SNES
Unfortunately no matter how fast my fingers are my brain isn’t. I’veonly seen a couple people accomplish this and my brother BB is one ofthem. Damn you BB.
2. Hitman: Contracts

Ah ha, so you found me… eitheryou somehow highlighted this text to read this one or the damn JPEGgave it away. Smart fellow you are (Yoda Jive)

For figuring this out, here’s your Egg.

The Egg:

1. In the traditions of the trade level enter the building and turn right
2. go in the door and wait for the guard to leave
3. once he leaves and the door closes pick the lock on the door opposite to the one you used to come into the room
4. once you open the door go through the door and look right
5. when you are looking right you will see a corner
6. If you quickly run to the wall you are facing and look left you can see a ghost go through a wall
BONUS:if youpick the lock on the door that the ghost go’s and enter the room youcan see a myou go into the bathroom and look in the mirror you can seethe ghost for about 2 or 3 seconds
The System: PS2, PC, Xbox

1. Grand Theft Auto

Now I was thinking of creating a whole article to all the EasterEggs in the GTA series, and if this post is a hit I will. The GTAfranchise know what people want, small lines of code which a few peoplewill see but all will appreciate them. Without further a due the GTAseries Easter Eggs!!!
The Egg: Go to the bridge that connects San Fierro to Las Venturas. Get to the top some how and you will see a sign that says,
“There are no Easter Eggs up here Go away.”
The System: PS2

Contributed by Editorial Team, Executive Management Team
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