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London Hack Day June 16th and 17th, London
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Mon May 21, 2007 6:26 am Reply and quote this post
Has anyone else here been invited? Team iVirtua will be there

It's an event where 500 developers are invited based on their online presence - once selected they bring a laptop and a sleeping bag for 2 days in London - food and sustinance is provided (Pizza, Beer) "Naturally, we plan to provide physical and mental sustenance throughout the weekend, culminating, we hope, with a performance from a surprise musical guest.", and you can go if you're over 16, too

According to the organisers, attendees can expect the UK event to be similar to the Sunnyvale, California, event of last September, which my US friends tell me was similar to what the old 2600 Hackfest meets were like in the 1980s and early 1990s.

Take a look at this!

Looks like a good laugh

Some are saying...
The truth of the matter is that the event in Sunnyvale was really exciting because there were a whole lot of people working in really different areas, and I'm really hoping the same thing happens in the UK. Personally I'm hoping that alongside people working with the web and widgets and desktop software that we get a fair few students and creatives working (or looking to find someone to work with) in the cutting edge of real-world product, hardware design or even fashion design. I think the day has the potential to be a real creative melting pot.

Find out about Hack day (BBC/Yahoo etc) at the links above.

Here's what some have said.
The Guardian
    shares the news of the event more broadly: "Fancy building something tremendous, useful or - well - a bit weird? Then Yahoo Hackday might be for you."

Andy Budd
    explains why Hack Day is a good idea: "It allows people to be creative and come up with ideas that would never get built otherwise. So it could be anything from a serious business changing app, through to something more fun like mashing up news and astrology data."


    "The event is going to be truly amazing, Tom and I (not to mention a whole army of really passionate people at both organisations) have been working our bums off to make sure it's going to be THE event for hackers in Europe. Essentially 400+ developers will descend on Alexandra Palace on the 16th and 17th of June - there'll be truck loads of pizza, beer, wi-fi and shed loads of help."

We are going to be working with Yahoo and BBC API's... look at these BBC API's and the potential...

* BBC Programme Catalogue
900,000+ entries for BBC Programmes over the years.
* BBC TV and Radio Schedule data API
BBC 7 day TV and Radio data
BBC 7 day TV and Radio data
* Search
BBC Search, best links etc.
* Postcoder
Query by geo-location data


Contributed by Editorial Team, Executive Management Team
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